
Sole Director pro tempore

Pierangelo Campodonico


Board of Directors of the Foundation of the National Museum of Italian Emigration 

Paolo Masini, Presidente

Fabio Capocaccia

Giovanni Maria De Vita

Salvatore Iavarone

 Enrico Granara

Anna Maria Saiano

Mario Bozzi Sentieri


Pursuant to art. 13, comma 1, of the charter of the Foundation of the National Museum of Italian Emigration, the president of the board of Directors is also the president of the Foundation of the National Museum of Italian Emigration.


Scientifical staff

Pierangelo Campodonico

Giorgia Barzetti

Nicla Buonasorte  



Technical Staff 

Andrea Fazzuoli


Press Office

Eleonora Errico



Educational services provided by CNS- SocioCulturale


Museum services provided by CNS-SocioCulturale